South Africa

De Punt Mine, South Africa

South African land based operations are located on and off the Western Coast of South Africa and consists of the operation at the De Punt Mine.

The diamonds mined here are generally found close to the bedrock and are deposited in high-energy environment sediments containing pebbles, cobbles and boulders. These sediments commonly owe their existence to storm beach deposits along the base lines of low cliffs that back wave-cut terraces.

The shallow water concessions are mined and prospected by contracted sea vessels, shallow water shore-units and beach-mining units.

The majority of these contractors are derived from the surrounding local communities and the boats are based at Lamberts Bay and Doring Bay.

+27 21 510 1881

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Trans Hex Group (Pty) Ltd

19 Chain Avenue

Montague Gardens

Cape Town


South Africa

Trans Hex Marine (Pty) Ltd

19 Chain Avenue

Montague Gardens

Cape Town


South Africa

Unit 8

Bridgeview Offices

4 Dr Kwame Nkrumah Avenue

Klein Windhoek, WINDHOEK

Republic of Namibia